Hudson Dealerships

Cullum Motor Company in Amarillo, TX

Tyler at Seventh
Cullum Motor Company
Before Hudson, Cullum sold Dodge at 110 W. 56th St. Clipping from The Amarillo Globe December 16, 1925. Two days previously, on the 14th, the same newspaper reported,"Mr. Cullum announced this morning that in January, work will begin on the new home of the Cullum Motor company. It will cost between $40,000 and $50,000 and will be on the northwest corner of Seventh and Tyler street."

Cullum Motor Company
Clipping from The Amarillo Globe September 5, 1929. Still not selling Hudson at this time.

Cullum Motor Company
Article from The Amarillo Globe of October 23, 1935 reads, "Thanks to the hundreds of you from Amarillo and the Panhandle who visited my Grand Opening--thanks for the many orders you gave me for the 1936 Hudsons and Terraplanes--and for the good wishes of all of you. Thanks is putting it mildly! It is hard to tell all you friends and neighbors how much I appreciated the wonderful success you made of my "open house". Believe me, if I was strong for these new Hudsons and Terraplanes before--and you can be sure I was--I am stronger than ever for them now. As with everyone I never saw so much real interest and was aroused by the extra style and extra room the 1936 Hudsons and Terraplanes provide; by the 5 things you never saw before; the first chassis engineered for safety; and the Electric Hand for quicker shifting and safer driving. Many of you expressed your amazement at the record-breaking performance, the many proofs of economy and long life, and the other advantages that you found you could get only in Hudson and Terraplane. And I was amazed at the real buying interest that so many of you showed. I can't remember a busier or more enjoyable day in all my years in the automobile business. A Special Invitation to Those Who Couldn't Come Now, just a word to those of you who have not yet been able to come in. Please accept a special invitation to visit my showroom soon. I want to give you a chance to drive one of these cars and make up your own mind. I'll be expecting you soon."

Cullum Motor Company
Clipping from 1935.

Cullum Motor Company
Clipping from The Amarillo Globe October 14, 1938. (Although this advertises 22 years, remember that they didn't sell Hudson until 1935.)

This location later became Lone Star Motors.

Courtesy HET JetSet - All Rights Reserved.